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Canada Capital

Ottawa: Canada's Capital City

Location and Geography

Ottawa, pronounced ˈɒtəwə or ˈɒtəwɑː, is the capital city of Canada. It is located in the southeastern part of the province of Ontario, on the banks of the Ottawa River. Ottawa is the fourth largest city in Canada, with a population of over one million people.

History and Culture

Ottawa was founded in 1826 by Colonel John By as a logging town. In 1857, it was chosen as the capital of the Province of Canada. In 1867, when Canada became a confederation, Ottawa became the capital of the new country. Ottawa is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city, with a rich history and culture. It is home to many museums, galleries, and theaters. The city is also known for its beautiful parks and green spaces.

Economy and Transportation

Ottawa is a major economic center in Canada. The city is home to many government departments and agencies, as well as a number of high-tech companies. Ottawa is also a major transportation hub, with an international airport and a rail line that connects the city to Toronto and Montreal.
